Prof. Luciano Cesare Bassani
Specialista in Terapia Fisica, Riabilitazione & Fisiatria
Centro di Proloterapia e Medicina rigenerativa
Studio Medico Bassani
Viale Luigi Majno, 15
CAP 20122, Milano (MI)
Tel: +39 0276021267
Cell: + 39 375 7144471
Studio Medico Bassani
Viale Luigi Majno, 15
Postal Code 20122, Milan (MI)
Phone: +39 0276021267
Dr. Luciano Cesare Bassani
Specialist in Physical Medicine, Rehabilitation & Physiatrist
Auricolotherapy is a therapeutic technique that can be used independently as well as in a complementary way to any other treatment. This technique is often referred to as ear acupuncture or auricular acupuncture and consists of treating very precise points on the ear for therapeutic purposes.

Auricolotherapy can be a real asset where conventional treatment lacks efficiency or can not be used anymore because of serious side effects.
How auricolotherapy works can be outlined as follows: our brain disposes of a map of the entire organism that enables it to manage all bodily functions. This map is also present on the auricles. All information coming from the body is sent up to the brain but passes also through the auricles. This goes also for the information from the brain to the body. Treatment of very
specific areas on the auricle permits to control the functioning of all possible organs that have their representation on the ear.
So, auricolotherapy consist in treating a number of points on the auricle in accordance with the pathology involved. Depending of the disease, specific neurovascular complexes are disturbed. These points can be detected by palpation or by means of electrical detection. Objectivating active points on the ear has to be done very precisely, within a fraction of a millimeter.
Modern auricolotherapy is founded on very strict scientific principles and can be explained by neuroembryological and neurogenetic mechanisms: in the course of embryological and foetal development an auricular map arises that is practically identical to
the cartographical relationship between brains and body. This neurophysiological accordance permets to send therapeutic requests to the brain using our ears.
If one would compare the human organism with a computer, then our auricles not only function as a screen but also as a keyboard enabling the auriculotherapist to send commands to the brain.
When these commands or requests are justified (i.e. when there is really a problem), our brain attemps to correct the problem by means of a palet of neurophysiological mechanisms. In essence, auriculotherapy is nothing more (but also nothing less) than applied neurology.
The goal of a treatment is to modify the structure of the auricular point. This can be achieved in various ways:
ï‚· by placing fine, sterile needles during some seconds or minutes.
ï‚· by applying semi-permant needles (the ASP, or Aiguille Semi Permanente in French) that will stay in place a number of days or weeks and wlll fall out one by one.
Auricolotherapy itself is quite painless, semi-permanent needles disappear spontaneously after days or weeks. The result can be very immediate or can be delayed by hours or days.
Some patients can react very intensely and show transient aggravation. In general, one notices an improvement during the first week after treatment in case of recent problems and within a month in case of older problems.